Monday, February 4, 2008

Men That Act Like Woman

I don't like men that act like woman. Thats an ultimate turnoff. I don't like men that hang out in "cliques" and wear matching outfits, and brag about how "fly" they are. I could care less how well you dress. Our how exclusive your sneakers are lol. Or how your the "only" one with them. Everyone has Everything! If you think your the only one with something your stupid and you need to grow up. Most of these men out here can't even spell correctly. Act like men god damn it. Stop being anti "trendy" and you happen to be the most trendiest of all. You date girls "urban" white girls that wear door knockers and "sneaker chicks". Let me stop its becoming too obvious lol.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop...
Stop, hatin' on a nigga
that is a weak emotion
The lady of a nigga



KidCashtro/DJ Mes Music Feedback Spot! said...

Ay Hun I feel you...
Alotta guys really just don't know how to be them selves these days... THere's guys idolize rappers, actors, or even wrestles lol for that matter and they try to capture the smae swagger as the orginal... Lmao

But Me myself Im either a leader or a loner either way I can't stand in the Crowd...

Ay Nina Brown Though Can I Get A EMAIL CONTACT I got questions and other inquires for you........

Get At Me =P
Love YOu and Sick's Blog Keep It Up

marie said...

this blog sucks.