Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Where Da Stash At...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Remember Him...
Can you believe this?! After all this time he finally decides to come out about it. What bugs me is that I dont know if this guy is serous or if he feels a little salty that he's dropped off the face of the planet. Either way the truth shall come to the light so we shall see.
Merry Christmas!!!

I would first like to apologize for not being as consistent with these blogs as I should. I'm so surprised at how many views I get and I really appreciate you taking the time out to read about my life....Anyway I love Christmas. Its not about getting gifts but I truly love giving. Its 9:21am and I'm typing this on my brand new Mac Book :) Who knew...I have the best bosses in the world!!! Everything turned out perfect. The nasty stares in Alexander McQueen, the stupid tourists in Macy's and the lines long enough to finish a whole got damn book on were all worth it. I love every single present I received...but most of all I love the feeling of being loved.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Dont Hate!!!
9th Grade Whore on Maury - Watch more free videos
This is why I stopped watching Maury...He's the biggest instigator. What has the world come to!
I Remember
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I Have An Addiction...
Check this article out...
"For the first six months of his term, Wichita Mayor Carlos Mayans was clean.
Then he became addicted to what he calls the "CrackBerry."
Today, Mayans is just one of several thousand public officials and business leaders who rely on personal digital assistants (PDAs) to stay in touch with their work.
"Wasn't going to get into technology," Mayans says. "I didn't need anything to get addicted to like the BlackBerry. But people said I was crazy. And the first time I was out of the office, I realized how much I could have used one just because of all the calls I received. They are like crack. You get addicted."
The BlackBerry -- a plastic box the size of the palm of your hand with a keyboard that doubles as a telephone and wireless e-mail-oriented computer -- is just one of the "gadgets" keeping businesses and governments connected.
With BlueTooth wireless telephone technology enabling hands-free calling, wireless laptops and the latest in cell phones themselves, it's never been easier for a business person to stay in touch with the office.
Or more difficult to get away from it.
The BlackBerry is the the top-selling PDA, according to local and national industry analysts. But Don Hackett, a time management expert and associate professor of entrepreneurship at Wichita State University, says the market for high-tech business gadgets is "pretty targeted."
"I don't see a lot of them in the middle management classes I teach," Hackett says. "There's about a 5 (percent) to 8 percent core group dedicated to them, but in large part I think they're a portable communications tool related to a certain type of position. It's more for the person who's out and around, and who needs to communicate information back and forth."
But the new technology will grow in popularity as Americans "find that there's just not enough hours in the day to do their work," says John Hawkins, CEO and editorial director of Advisor Magazine in San Diego, Calif., a business technology analyst."
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Don't really have anything to say bout this...Apparently this vid is really big on you tube. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Saturday, December 1, 2007
"Coolest Nigga What"
I've been fortunate to hear the whole album in it's entirety. Alot of mixed will interesting to see how it does when it drops.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Drought Is Over!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
" Like Louboutins With The Red Bottom"

"The french manicure is old news. For all the fashionitas out there, those who love shoes like I do, the new hottest manicure is the Christian Louboutin manicure. You know how Christian Louboutin makes those gorgeous shoes with the red sole? Well, the Christian Louboutin manicure paints the underside of your nail red. Try it with a dark top color on top in homage to Louboutin’s black pumps with red sole. "
Since I cant afford the shoe's, I might as well settle for this...
Superman That Ho...
1. superman that ho-
when you cum on a girls back and then stick the sheets to her, so when she wakes up in the morning she has a cape
"yo did you superman that ho that night?"
"hell yeah"
"you are never getting laid ever again"
2. superman that ho-
Say you're in an argument with the lady, and she's gone to bed with out giving it up.
You're in a pickle my friend. What to do?
Superman that ho.
Crank one out on her back and stick the bedsheet to her; when she wakes up she has a cape
I'mma superman that ho.
Style Icon Of The Week...Michelle...I Mean Ashley Olsen

This girl has done alot of growing up since the "Full House" days. Despite the eating disorders, and the rumors of cocaine use she gets an A in my book. She's got one of the sickest bag collections, and she's the first celebrity I spotted in Ksubi jeans (I heard she was dating the designer).Most importantly, " She's a self made billionaire, fuck the public".

Sunday, November 11, 2007
JPT On Strike
Fanstasy League
Style Icon Of The Week...Ms. Zoe Kravitz

So this is my first, of many " Style Icon Of The Week" post in which I enlighten on who I think is fly at the moment. This week I bring you Zoe. For someone who's only 18 years old I have to tell you her " I dont give a fuck " style is refreshing. This girl is feirce...please peep a piece.

And she's downing a forty...I mean c'mon!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
This Is Why Black People Will Never Progress
"rapper Jim Jones showed up with rapper Juelz Santana and an entourage of a dozen beefy buddies. We watched as Jones took it personally. “You don’t disrespect me, n-!” he yelled as he knocked down the security barricade. Santana and the entourage then bowled over the three bouncers at the door. Twelve more guys followed and a brawl ensued as they tried to pry open the door of the popular nightspot."
Just to get into this man's party...

Am I the only person who thinks he's a cornball?
Dog The Bounty Hunter...
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hovi Baby
Sunday, November 4, 2007
American Gangster- "My Man"
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My Husband...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saw IV
Fall/Winter Wish List
Long Distance Relationships...
Dont even think about....Im sorry Rita from Chicago but its not even worth it. Dont waste your time...unless you got something on the side.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Lauren London on Dating...
This is exactly how I feel about dating...Its funny because my sister and I were just talking about this. I find first dates to be extremely uncomfortable, I'd rather not do it. First of all your with a complete stranger who you know nothing ask each other all these stupid questions and 9/10 your both lying anyway... And then you play this childish game of you calls who first... I just cant, maybe I'll be single forever.sigh...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Atlantic Put The Money Up


I heard this in the office yesterday...Apparently Craig Kallman put up a million dollar signature bond in order for TIP to be released. He had to surrender his passport, he's subject to random house searches and drug test...and if he's convicted he could face up to ten years in prison. I cant help but have simpathy for this man but damn how do you explain these...That last ones a joke lol
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tatted Up...
Shouts To Kid Sister...
I can relate I just found a new color "Soulmate"...for all my guy readers its like crushing on a new pornstar
Im sorry if I offend anyone with the title of this blog but its that serious. Im so sick of this bullshit about the use of this word. If people are still ignorant enough to use it than so be it. But forcing rappers and entertainers from using it is not the solution...Bill Cosby needs to understand that people have become so accustmed with the use of this word, it may take a lifetime to stop. I completly agree with Mr. Cosbys arguement but Its so hard for our generation to relate to someone who stars in jello commercials...I dont mean to be disrespectful but its true. At the end of the day a fly man once said "I ain't one of the Cosby's, I ain't go to Hillman."
Denim Junkie...

I have a fetish for designer jeans. i cant help in love with a pair of hard denims...i just bought my fifth pair of in looooove with them. Its like I wear them and nobody knows what they are but everyone wants to know. The design is genius! I recently had to put my nudies to rest when i spotted them in the store Harlem on 145 and Bway. Thats another thing im sorry if this is shallow but I really like to be different...thats another reason why I love designer jeans, their usually expensive. So alot of people wont put the money down to cop. I on the other hand will in a heartbeat. Now dont get me wrong back in the day I rocked Pepes with the best of them. But I've always had a thang for jeans.
Hauted House...

On Halloween everyone wants to go to this haunted house @ madison Square Garden. Its forty cash and If you make it to the end they give you your money back. its sopposed to be that scary....and I cant go because im too scared. I feel like such a baby but im such a scardey cat when it comes to things like that. I know I have to conquer my fears but I dont think im ready. Im twenty fucking years old man, and I'm terrfied of a midget dressed up like a skeleton....SMH Embarassing
Drop A Jewel...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It Aint Nothin Nice...
So I really dont know what Lupe said and I really dont care. Im a Tribe fan all day! And I dont get along with ppl who arent...
Words To Live By...

After reading Russell's book "Do You!" I was really dissapointed...the whole thing was about yoga. Now there isnt anything wrong with that its just not what I expected. So I was hesitant to purchase Kimoras book. And although I'm not finished I'm very happy so far. The book is full of tips on how to manage money, relationship advice, sex etc. I have to say I really really like it. Definetly worth my twenty bucks...This book gets two thumbs up!
Think Before You Holla...

Ever since kanye ft him on "Flashing Lights" everyone's a Dwele fan. How predictable...Fortunately enough I am a true fan and as usual i will put you on. This man is a true poet. My fav song off Subject
I lied,
I said you were the truth
You took it as the truth
And now I got you
But I don't want you like that...
There only lives one love
And of that you can't compare to
And that's the bare-naked truth.
You knew, and I knew
But you didn't want to hear,
What I didn't want to tell you
Now we've got hard times
And now there's no love at home
When separate we feel so alone
But we can't stand to be
--Together, to talk about it
We had time to I.N.C
Our thoughts instead of our bodies
This can't be love
What if we, produced a shorty
Would hard times, still be visible?
Within this love, within our love, This can't be love
And that's the barenaked..
I lied,
I said you were the truth
You took it as the truth
And now I got you
But I don't want you like that...
There only lives one love
And of that you can't compare to
And that's the bare-naked truth.
I said you were the truth
You took it as the tru-u-uth
We can't stand to be
Together, to talk about it
But we can't stand to be...
Apart long enough to heal this thing baby
You and I started off good
Finding time to spend time
I said what you wanted to hear
Now you need to know that...
I lied,
I said you were the truth
You took it as the truth
And now I got you
But I don't want you like that...
There only lives one love
And of that you can't compare to
And that's the bare-naked truth.
If our words were truly fact
We probably still wouldn't have love
But we would love what we had
But we don't, reality is we lied
Now you and I must say goodbye
Can't you see the bare-naked start to speak
I'm a young man, the world is mine
I should've been, straight with you from the beginning
You probably wasn't even looking for a man
This time has been no doubt interesting
But now that we broke up I'm thinkin this might have been love
This could've been love...
It's just my luck
My Ex Boo
Everyone who knows me knows I had the biggest chrush on Camron Giles...That was until he bagged my good friend on the corner of 123rd and St.Nick...anyway the love's still there and I didnt find this funny. Baby where are you?!
Blog Archive
- The Drought Is Over!
- " A Bitch Better Not Have These, You Swear"
- Tyra Needs Help
- " Like Louboutins With The Red Bottom"
- Superman That Ho...
- Style Icon Of The Week...Michelle...I Mean Ashley ...
- Good Morning
- JPT On Strike
- Fanstasy League
- Na, Na Na Na, Na...
- Here's What I Think Of Justin Timberlake....
- Style Icon Of The Week...Ms. Zoe Kravitz
- This Is Why Black People Will Never Progress
- Dog The Bounty Hunter...
- Hovi Baby
- American Gangster- "My Man"
- My Husband...
- Old Hits...
- I Heart Gold...
- Watch Me Do Me...
- The Good Ol Days...
- My 2nd Favorite White Girl...
- Is He Back...
- Saw IV
- Clean Up Ya Nose...
- Sade's an Airhead...
- Fall/Winter Wish List
- Long Distance Relationships...
- Getting My Workout on...
- Con...
- The Whitest Boy Alive...
- Lauren London on Dating...
- Atlantic Put The Money Up
- Tatted Up...
- Shouts To Kid Sister...
- Mr.Nigga
- Denim Junkie...
- Hauted House...
- Drop A Jewel...
- It Aint Nothin Nice...
- Words To Live By...
- Im Very Popular...
- Think Before You Holla...
- Mr.Smooooth
- Me Likey..
- It Gets Worse
- My Ex Boo
Nina Knows Best
- Sade Tavia
- Im sarcastic, sometimes I make fun of people for no reason, then yell at myself about it. I try to be nice, but I've been called mean more times than I can remember.